Jour Fixe – Music in the Afternoon

Performances by young artists

Performances take place every two weeks on Wednesdays at 3.30 p.m. Admission is free. The free admission tickets (2 tickets per person)  are given out at the museum’s ticket desk starting at 2.30 p.m.

The concerts are recorded for the musicians; therefore, concert attendance is only suitable and possible from the age of six. Thanks for your understanding.

Upcoming dates

18 SeptemberYumin Lee, piano
2 OctoberDongfang Li, piano
16 OctoberKiana Reid, piano
30 OctoberWataru Hisasue, piano
13 NovemberBernstein Trio (piano trio)
27 NovemberSonja Kowollik, piano
11 DecemberDuru Erdogan, piano

Concert visit

Calendar of Events