Music Perception
At the SIM, experimental studies of questions involving the perception of music are a tradition that goes back to Hans-Peter Reinecke, the founder of Department III (then named the Department of Acoustics and Music Psychology) and later the institute’s director. Reinecke examined differences in the perception of live music versus electroacoustically reproduced music as early as the 1970s. This field has become even more relevant and more complex in the age of film and media music.

On the one hand, electroacoustic music transmission is itself a subject of research, as when scientists examine the influence of different steps in the transmission process on the ways in which music is perceived. But the technology of music transmission can also be an instrument of research, as in virtual reality environments, for example. That technology is a core part of the project Audiovisual Perception of Acoustical Environments. It can also be used to demonstrate musicological knowledge and insights, both visually and acoustically. This is the purpose of the ongoing project Sound & Vision Experience Lab.