Jazz at the MIM

Start: 7 p.m., free admission

Berlin's cultural diversity is also reflected in the jazz scene. For over fifteen years, the Musical Instrument Museum of the State Institute for Music Research has provided a venue for Berlin's many modern jazz ensembles. The "Jazz at the MIM" series is organised in cooperation with the Berlin Composers' Association. The programme is designed by the musicians and composers Hannes and Tobias Zerbe.

Photo gallery

Concert by the Hannes Zerbe Jazz Orchestra Berlin in the Curt-Sachs-Hall on 24 November 2022.


Museum box office

+49 30 254 81-178


Concert visit

Dates 2024

30 May / 27 June / 25 July / 29 August / 26 September / 31 October / 28 November / 12 Dezember
Start: 7 p.m.
Subject to change
