Electronic Musical Instruments in Collection Context
News from 10/20/2022
The advent of electronics opened up new potentials for concepts concerning musical instruments, changing long-established perspectives and revolutionizing some cantuies-old traditions. This volue takes up current research topics and addresses perspectives and challenges of collection related tasks concerning this group of musical instruments.

The advent of electronics opened up new potentials for concepts concerning musical instruments, changing long-established perspectives and revolutionizing some centuries-old traditions. Over the last decades, those instruments gained in importance in science and turned into sought-after objects of museum collections. This volume takes up current research topics and deals with the following questions: What musical and creative capabilities were opened up and in which new ways were these made accessible to artists? How did composers and musicians react to newly emerging questions of instrumentality and virtuosity? Next to those aspects, this volume especially addresses perspectives and challenges of collection related tasks concerning this group of musical instruments. New and rather ephemeral materials of industrially shaped ways of production demand customised prerequisites for long-term preservation as well as presentation in exhibitions.
Edited by Benedikt Brilmayer on behalf of Staatlichen Instituts für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin
Mainz (a.o.): Schott Music 2022, 200 pages, softcover
Language: English